Sunday, November 16, 2008

stupid fuckin fuckheads mat rempits

This is fuckin fucked up. I just came back from 7-11 near my house. you know what happened? 7-11 fuckin locked their door. when i failed to open the door, the girl came open up and tell me that i cant go in and i can only tell her what i want to buy and she'll get it for me. When i ask her why, she said there's been too many mat rempits robbery happened in this outlet that they need to do that.

Great. Now mat rempits are robbing 7-11 too?

Fuckin hell wack off mat rempits, will you fuckin un-educated pieces of shit stop robbing people to fill petrol to you fuckin motorcycle and waste the fuckin petrol with your stupid fuckin illegal road racing? fuck your mother! fuck your fuckin fucked up parents. i hope your parents die, i hope your grandparents die, i hope, if you're fucked up enough to have a child, the child die before its born! you fuckin waste of life fuckin jerk off to grandma porno pieces of dirt.

this also reminds me that there's once this one dumbass minister suggested the government to adopt these fuckin mat rempits to prevent them doing unhealthy activities? adopt them yeah? what happened now? they started robbing petrol stations months ago and now they started robbing 7-11!

serious, you fuckin mat rempits, go home and check weather your parents are still alive. if they didnt hang themselves for this i bet they're as fucked up as you fuckers are. go to hell!


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